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Design process

  Since the materials I used were adaptable enough to allow me to play around with having different shapes and forms, my design process for my pieces was more about experimenting with my materials than setting a design that limited my options. Therefore, it was about having the inspiration and using the inspiration as a reference of experimenting with the ideas that will lead back to inspiration. Designing on paper with such materials doesn't give me a realistic idea of the items I want to build, thus employing these approaches of exploring and playing around with the materials in my previous project has really worked. Although I had originally intended to use a variety of garbage for my practicum in the second semester, I finally selected leather, can tins, tires, and tire tubes because they were the materials I could easily get and were easier to work with than other waste categories. Utilizing a range of waste materials proved to be ineffective and time-consuming.I had to stick ...

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