Tube 2 and 3

 the work that will be presented I was inspired to create this piece after watching the DSTV television program Shaka Zulu. I was impressed by the attire the characters wore, so I thought about creating something related utilizing tubes.

Beginning with the cutting of tube lines and tapering them from bottom to top, the item was built so that when completed, the lines would form a pattern. Furthermore, the component shapes vary depending on the piece structure, ranging from long in the middle to short at the bottom. 

Because of the tube's thick skin, cutting the tube lines with scissors made the job difficult.

After cutting the tubes into tapered lines, the process of uniting them began with the use of a leather strap as a joining section.

The long ones were placed in the center to begin the process. 

Above, you can see how the piece was created from start to finish. It took a lot of time to assemble because over 100 tube lines had to be joined separately, and some of them broke off when they slipped through leather due to friction. 

Additionally, due to the piece's weight, I opted not to add a clasp and instead left a lengthy leather piece at the back so that it could be tied for joining.

The tube piece 3 was also inspired by the television program I Shaka IIembe and was made of tube with some metal added to it, but this one has a twist of luxury in it, matching the era but with a little twist. The idea for building it came from working from the previous piece by cutting so many lines and by doing that, I had an idea of how about cutting straight accurate lines because from the previous piece lines were cut loosely so

The first plan was to align the lines vertically to resemble the tube piece 2 while maintaining accuracy, as can be seen in the image above. However, when I experimented with aligning the lines horizontally, the thought of integrating the leather and attempting to make it look luxurious emerged.

The accompanying image illustrates how the piece is constructed from a single tube line to all 14 of them. 

then reducing the lengthy leather strap lines at the end and adding copper tubes and brass plates at the end to create a luxurious appearance


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