process of making final pieces
The procedure of producing two brooches and earrings from paper mash components will be discussed below.
The approach began with taking the little components of the paper mash and assembling them to see what I could come up with.
The concept that I like is the one that shows how I can put my components together.
The three pieces I designed all have the same component structure; the only difference is the colors and the use of supporting metal on the sections.
The first piece, a brooch, began by creating a surrounding metal on the piece to give the brooch a pop.
The pattern was created using cooper metal, and the images above demonstrate how the surrounding metal looks on the broach. The brooch pin was purchased, and it is made of brass metal.
It was the same concept for earrings, but it has many colors and the decorative metal is silver, which is positioned on the sides.
The earrings and brooch shown above were first painted with blackboard paint, then glued together with resin, with the decoration on the inside and the cold leaf on the outside. For the brooch, every component was covered in gold leaf, whereas the middle section of the earrings did not have gold leaf.
the final stage in making the last broach
When I began creating the neckpiece with the components that I had, there was a domed piece that was alone. When I started connecting and playing about with the components, the idea for the brooch came together.
The inspiration for the brooch originated from working with my HOD, as seen below next to the neckpieces on the side.
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