Development of final pieces

 The final pieces were created by combining all of the components of paper mash and seeing what I could come up with by producing various jewelry pieces.

The paper components generated during the concept development process are painted with black board paints in black and blue.

Following the painting process, the task of determining how the components can be assembled to form a neck piece began.


I began assembling the neck piece after determining the pattern I wanted to utilize. 

The pendant's centre piece was joined with O-links, while the rest of the pendant was joined with resin. 

The final element of the pendant was to create a cooper necklace with O-links made of 1.8 mm thick wire.

After creating a chain, it was linked to the neckpiece to produce a one-piece.

The most difficult aspects of crafting the neckpiece were the experience of working with materials I had never used before and figuring out how to join my components to make them wearable and also applealing.


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